Required tools:
Glue (Wood glue is best, but just about any adhesive will work)
Small Screwdriver
Masking Tape (You can of course use clamps for clamping pieces together, but it is overkill)
Don’t Forget: Dry fit all pieces first!
Note: Many pieces will by symmetrical in such a way that they will fit in multiple positions. When given the option we suggest orienting them so that any laser burn marks are on the inside, so that a cleaner exterior is maintained.
Identify Pieces and Apply glue to tabs
Identify the back, two sides, top, and four shelf bottom pieces.
Slot in shelves and fold pieces in.
(This image from a different product, sorry) Additional glue is not required for these pieces, but can be added is you prefer. If shelves are numbered, they are to be arranged ascending from the top down.
Lift in one side, then the top, then the other side.
Some care is required to fit all the shelf bottoms into their slots.
Hold together firmly with tape
(This image from a different product, sorry)
Make sure to hold pieces together firmly when taping.
Do not allow any gaps
When dried, add handle and doors
Make note that the hinge must be attached to the outside of the box, to the inside of the door.